A silent killer sweeps humanity, consuming its life force, threatening an eternal reign of darkness. After narrowly escaping this shadowy force in the highlands of Scotland, New York psychiatrist Sara Forrester is tasked with finding the second key of lifeby unlocking the riddles of Mayan myth in the shrouded depths of the Yucatan jungle. As Sara and her team are plunged into a history rooted in magic and mystery, they struggle to find light in the darkest corners of the unfamiliar. At risk are the billions of lives on Earth and a future Sara longs to keep with the man she bonded with before either were ever born.
But when age-old myths of a lost civilization come to life, Sara suspects the very Order she serves might have other intentionsusing her to achieve a separate and malevolent purpose. She's vowed that no matter who or what might be working against her and the immortals, nothing will stand in the way of achieving her vital goal.