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Flute Quartet sheet music: Chimes Blues (score)

Joe "King" Oliver - Francesco Leone
pubblicato da Glissato Edizioni Musicali

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"Chimes Blues" by Joe "King" Oliver, beautifully arranged for Flute Quartet (Score), transforms this iconic jazz composition into a delightful piece for flute enthusiasts. This arrangement is specifically designed for four C flutes, capturing the essence of the original blues melody while adapting it for the light, agile sound of flutes, making it a perfect addition to the repertoire of intermediate flute quartets.

The SCORE is carefully crafted to ensure that each part contributes to the ensemble's overall texture, allowing the flutists to explore the rhythmic and melodic nuances of early jazz. The arrangement provides a wonderful opportunity for flute players to delve into the jazz genre, offering a fresh perspective on a classic composition.

For those seeking to practice or perform this piece, the SET OF PARTS is available separately as part of a series. This ensures that each musician can focus on their individual part, facilitating a cohesive and harmonious ensemble performance.

Additionally, this arrangement is accompanied by a comprehensive suite of informative resources, making it an educational as well as a musical journey. Available in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Polish, Korean, Japanese, and Chinese, these resources provide insights into the life of Joe "King" Oliver, the historical context of "Chimes Blues," and the evolution of the jazz movement. This wealth of information enhances the understanding and appreciation of the piece, enriching the overall experience for both performers and audiences.

This arrangement of "Chimes Blues" for flute quartet offers a unique opportunity to engage with a seminal jazz work through the medium of the flute, ideal for ensembles looking to expand their musical boundaries and explore the rich heritage of jazz music.

- Partition de flûte, Flotennoten, Partitura para flauta, Spartito per flauto, Nuty na flet, Noter for fløyte, Noder til fløjte, Note za flautu -

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Generi Musica » Strumenti musicali e Insiemi strumentali

Editore Glissato Edizioni Musicali

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 03/02/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9791223003220

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Flute Quartet sheet music: Chimes Blues (score)

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