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Fly Fishing For Dummies

Peter Kaminsky
pubblicato da Wiley

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Hook up with the fly-fishing guide that's a keeper

Some say successful fly fishing requires supreme athleticism, a surgeon's delicate touch, and the serene spirit of a Zen master. But forget the hype: The updated edition of Fly Fishing for Dummies shows that all you need to get the hang of this enjoyable sport are the right tools, a disciplined technique, and a positive attitude. Whether you're an old salt or dipping your toes in for the first time, you'll find everything you need to learn, improve, and keep your casting sharp and fresh!

Longtime fishing writer Peter Kaminsky wades right in, taking you from choosing a rod and tying flies all the way through to staying dry with the right wardrobe and cooking up a delicious catch. You'll also find out how you can get by with just 20 flies, a half dozen casts, and three knots. And, if you want to plunge deeper into the sport, he suggests some bucket-list destination rivers and streams to keep you agreeably hooked and learning for lifeproving that the father of fishing writers Izaak Walton was right when, three centuries ago, he said: "No life is so pleasant and happy as that of a well-governed angler."

  • Study your quarryfrom rainbow trout to fashionable "glamour" fish
  • Get the best rod, reel, and gear for successincluding the smartest tech
  • Know where to fish (land or sea) and how to read the water
  • Follow visual examples to sharpen your casting

Whatever your fly-fishing aims or skill level, the proven advice and 150+ illustrations in this friendly guide are your path to a lifetime of happy and productive trips: Don't let it be the one that got away!

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Generi Ambiente e Animali » Sport e attività nella natura » Pesca e caccia , Sport » Altri sport

Editore Wiley

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 08/10/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781119685944

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Fly Fishing For Dummies

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