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For the Love of the Game

Liz Levoy
pubblicato da Splendid Island

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Hollywood actor Vit Salas, a heavily wealthy bad boy, has his mind set on conquering basketball player Blair Golden. As her team faces the finals of the WNBA playoffs, he offers her $4 million if she doesn't score 36 points. Although she finds his offer absurd, she manages to help her team win without scoring the number of points.

Vit Salas wants to pay her the money and tries to take her out to dinner. But Blair doesn't trust the Hollywood actor. She vows not to fall for him. But Vit is persistent and is not swayed by her brusque rejections.

Will Blair manage to keep her feelings under control and resist Vit's constant urging? And what is it that Vit is actually up to? Is he serious or is he playing again?

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Romanzi contemporanei » Rosa , Passione e Sentimenti » Romanzi rosa

Editore Splendid Island

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 08/02/2021

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 1230004531692

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For the Love of the Game

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