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Fox Books: The Ultimate Fox Book

Jenny Kellett
pubblicato da Jenny Kellett

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Do your kids love foxes? In The Ultimate Fox Book for Kids, non-fiction author Jenny Kellett has put together only the most exciting facts about foxes in a fun, engaging format with the curious science-loving kid in mind.

The book includes over 100 amazing facts, gorgeous hi-res photos, quiz, and a fun BONUS word search available in the print version. Children will be completely immersed and fascinated by the exciting world of everyone's favorite sly mammal in this interactive fox book for kids.

Topics include:

  • Detailed guides to the 12 different species of true fox, including the red fox and arctic fox.
  • Foxes: Birth to adulthood.
  • Foxes in popular culture and folklore.
  • The habitat and behavior of foxes.
  • Fox quiz to test your knowledge.
  • And much more

Did you know...?

  • A group of foxes is called a skulk or a leash.
  • Foxes are very smelly! They produce a very sickly smell from a gland at the base of their tail.
  • Some Arctic fox dens are over 100 years old, as they are passed down from generation to generation.

You'll find these facts and many more in this illustrated book for kids. With 20+ stunning fox photos, even early readers will enjoy The Ultimate Fox Book for Kidsas well as adults!

Perfect for teaching children to read, while letting them learn about the wonderful world of foxes, it is ideal for long car journeys and bedtime reading. The book is targeted at readers aged 8+.

Scroll up and click Buy Now and help your child become a fox expert in no time!

About the Author

Jenny Kellett was born in the UK, but has called Australia home for nearly 20 years. She has had the pleasure to witness some of Australia's most beloved and beautiful creatures up close and personalin the wild and at sanctuaries. She shares her passion for animals in her popular series of children's books.

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Educativi » Scienze, spazio e natura

Editore Jenny Kellett

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 07/03/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798201909178

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Fox Books: The Ultimate Fox Book

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