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Frank Cho's Jungle Girl Season Three - Doug Murray
Frank Cho's Jungle Girl Season Three - Doug Murray

Frank Cho's Jungle Girl Season Three

Doug Murray
pubblicato da Dynamite Entertainment

Prezzo online:

The Lost World is doomed! When a tear in the dimensional fabric opens over the forbidden God Mountain, the brave and cunning Jana must rescue her friends Togg and Mike Mize from flaming debris, stampeding dinosaurs, and bloodthirsty tribesmen. Can the intrepid Jungle Girl overcome the chaos caused by the fearsome otherworldly deities known as The Old Ones? Her only salvation, a powerful artifact of alien origin, resides within the Temple of the Dirt People... a journey that will not only lead Jana to horrors undreamt, but also to a terrible revelation about the man she loves most: her father!

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Generi Fumetti » Supereroi a fumetti

Editore Dynamite Entertainment

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 24/02/2016

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781606907993

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Frank Cho

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