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"A gorgeous weave of romantic fantasy and urgent politics." Anna Smith Spark, author of The Court of Broken Knives

In an enchanting world of sartorial sorcery, court intrigue, and revolutionary royals, a charm caster must navigate a royal court and foreign alliances fraught with danger to protect her future in the aftermath of rebellion in the sequel to Torn, a French Revolution-inspired historical fantasy debut.

Open revolt has been thwartedfor nowbut unrest still simmers in the kingdom of Galitha. Despite having built a thriving business on her skill at both dressmaking and magic, Sophie has not escaped unscathed from her misadventures in the workers' rebellion. Her dangerous foray into curse casting has rendered her powers unpredictable, and her increasingly visible romantic entanglement with the Crown Prince makes her a convenient target for threatened nobles and malcontented commoners alike.

With domestic political reform and international alliancesand her own lifeat stake, Sophie must discern friend from foe... before her magic grows too dark for her to wield.

Praise for The Unraveled Kingdom:

"Miller places immigrant ambition and women's lives at the heart of her magical tale of politics and revolution. I was utterly enchanted by this unique, clever, and subtly fierce fantasy. Tasha Suri, author of The Jasmine Throne

"Strong research, moral ambiguities, and an innovative magic system....A well-executed historical fantasy debut whose author has a sharp eye for detail." Kirkus

"Miller weaves a fresh, richly textured world full of magic-stitched ball gowns and revolutionary pamphlets. The vivid, complex setting and deeply human characters make for an absorbing read!" Melissa Caruso, author of The Obsidian Tower

The Unraveled Kingdom

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Storici

Editore Orbit

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 04/06/2019

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780316478649

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