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Freddy Fox's Funny Feathers - Kelly Johnson
Freddy Fox's Funny Feathers - Kelly Johnson

Audiolibro Freddy Fox's Funny Feathers

Kelly Johnson
pubblicato da Kelly Johnson

Prezzo online:

In the heart of Whispering Woods, Freddy Fox, adorned with a magnificent rainbow of feathers on his tail, captivates all who encounter him with his infectious joy and kind heart. Born from a mischievous fairy's spell, Freddy's feathers not only dazzle but also possess a magical ability to bring comfort and guidance to those in need. His colorful tail becomes a beacon of hope, leading lost friends like Rosie the rabbit to new beginnings and abundant blessings. Through Freddy's gentle counsel and vibrant spirit, Whispering Woods thrives as a united community where differences are celebrated, friendships flourish, and the transformative power of kindness shines brightly.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Fantasy » Fantasy

Editore Kelly Johnson

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 00:07.51

Pubblicato 20/07/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798882283222

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Freddy Fox

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