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Freddy Frog's Frolic in the Pond - Kelly Johnson
Freddy Frog's Frolic in the Pond - Kelly Johnson

Audiolibro Freddy Frog's Frolic in the Pond

Kelly Johnson
pubblicato da Kelly Johnson

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In Kelly Johnson's enchanting tale, "Freddy Frog's Frolic in the Pond," readers are transported to Whispering Woods, where a serene pond becomes the playground for Freddy Frog and his diverse community of woodland friends. Known for his boundless energy and infectious laughter, Freddy embarks on an extraordinary adventure one sunny morning, determined to explore every corner of his beloved pond. From chasing dragonflies among the lily pads to discovering a hidden grotto adorned with bioluminescent algae, Freddy's day unfolds with wonder and discovery. Through encounters with Sammy Snail, Tina Turtle, and other pond inhabitants, Freddy learns valuable lessons about friendship, curiosity, and the beauty of his natural habitat. As the sun sets over Whispering Woods, Freddy returns to share his tales of exploration with eager friends, leaving readers inspired by the magic of nature and the joy of discovery.

Narrated by Kelly Johnson, "Freddy Frog's Frolic in the Pond" invites children and adults alike to immerse themselves in a world where curiosity leads to adventure, and every moment brings the possibility of new friendships and enchanting discoveries amidst the tranquility of Whispering Woods.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Fantasy » Fantasy

Editore Kelly Johnson

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 00:08.36

Pubblicato 22/07/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798882397578

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Freddy Frog

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