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Fresh Sobbing Winds

Pierre Bunikiewicz
pubblicato da BookBaby

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In a future world where the entire population was infected by the immortality virus called Immodlo-Virus, a human being doesn't stop aging. And when health fails, those who are unable to function normally in society must be taken away. Once removed, they can only dream of death that will never come. For immortality comes at a cost: draconian health laws and absolute population control. But there are those who resist... And if it's against the law to bring children to this world, it's not only due to totalitarian policies. For it is said that one day, the Sheen will give birth to a child whose body will produce an antidote to the Immodlo-Virus. And no one in power, no one who can postpone his removal from society wants this to happen. No wonder then, that the Sheen must be hunted down and taken away before she goes into labor. Imagine that Immortal World. Imagine Gwen, a Model Citizen and her predicament, when after returning from vacation, she feels out of place in that totalitarian world. Imagine her fate, when she becomes a moving target.

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Fantascienza , Fantasy Horror e Gothic » Fantascienza

Editore Bookbaby

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 27/06/2014

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781483529745

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Fresh Sobbing Winds

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