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Friends, Lovers and the Big Terrible Thing

Matthew Perry
pubblicato da Headline

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**'There's never been a more honest or raw memoir . . . and it may just save lives' Daily Mail

'Funny, fascinating, compelling . . . also a wonderful read for fans of Friends' The Times**

'HI, MY NAME IS MATTHEW, although you may know me by my full name. My friends call me Matty.'

So begins the riveting story of acclaimed actor Matthew Perry, taking us along on his journey from childhood ambition to fame to addiction and recovery in the aftermath of a life-threatening health scare. Before the frequent hospital visits and stints in rehab, there was five-year-old Matthew, who travelled from Montreal to Los Angeles, shuffling between his separated parents; fourteen-year-old Matthew, who was a nationally ranked tennis star in Canada; twenty-four-year-old Matthew, who nabbed a coveted role as a lead cast member on the talked-about pilot then called Friends Like Us . . . and so much more.

In an extraordinary story that only he could tell - and in the heartfelt, hilarious, and warmly familiar way only he could tell it - Matthew Perry lays bare the fractured family that raised him (and also left him to his own devices), the desire for recognition that drove him to fame, and the void inside him that could not be filled even by his greatest dreams coming true. But he also details the peace he's found in sobriety and how he feels about the ubiquity of Friends, sharing stories about his castmates and other stars he met along the way. Frank, self-aware, and with his trademark humour, Perry vividly depicts his lifelong battle with addiction and what fuelled it despite seemingly having it all.

'An unflinching and often harrowing must-read for 90s pop culture fans' Guardian

'Written with Chandler's trademark sarcasm and self-deprecation' Telegraph

'A hopeful read . . . I started to think of [it] not as a celebrity memoir about addiction, but as an addiction memoir written by a man who understands his own history through the prism of showbiz' Independent

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Editore Headline

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/11/2022

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781472295958

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Friends, Lovers and the Big Terrible Thing

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