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Frog Expedition, The - Kelly Johnson
Frog Expedition, The - Kelly Johnson

Audiolibro Frog Expedition, The

Kelly Johnson
pubblicato da Kelly Johnson

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In a bustling forest filled with life, Freddy the adventurous frog stood out with his insatiable curiosity and longing for exploration. While his pond-bound friends enjoyed leisurely days on lily pads, Freddy yearned to uncover the mysteries beyond. One sunny morning, fueled by determination, Freddy embarked on an ambitious journey into uncharted territories. Despite facing challenges like rushing streams and stormy nights, Freddy persisted with guidance from newfound friends like Old Hoppy, an elder frog, and various forest creatures who imparted wisdom and companionship. Ultimately, Freddy's expedition led him to a tranquil lake, where he marveled at the beauty discovered on his journey. With newfound wisdom and cherished memories, Freddy returned home, eager to share his tales and inspire others with the magic of following one's heart.

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Generi Romanzi e Letterature » Fantasy , Fantasy Horror e Gothic » Fantasy

Editore Kelly Johnson

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 00:06.42

Pubblicato 20/07/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798882338007

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Frog Expedition, The

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