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Frog and Toad are Doing Their Best [A Parody] - Jennie Egerdie
Frog and Toad are Doing Their Best [A Parody] - Jennie Egerdie

Audiolibro Frog and Toad are Doing Their Best [A Parody]

Jennie Egerdie
pubblicato da Hachette Audio

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At home, work, and out in our ever-changing world, we're all just doing our best. In this modern parody, Frog and Toad are here to commiserate and lend some laughter.

Full of wry humor and deep compassion for our modern vulnerabilities, the stories in Frog and Toad Are Doing Their Best perfectly capture the heartwarming authenticity of Lobel's famous amphibian friends while revealing razor-sharp truths about the world we live in today. Through Frog and Toad, we see the anxieties that are woven throughout our everyday existence, from our well-meaning but often-failed attempts at practicing self-care to our struggle to balance the gifts and burdens of technology. Toad ponders a variety of questionable schemes to pay off his credit cards, while Frog spends too much time scrolling through the newsfeed on his phone. But despite their daily frustrations and existential concerns, they know that having a friend to share life's burdens makes even the darkest days brighter.

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Generi Hobby e Tempo libero » Umorismo » Parodie e imitazioni

Editore Hachette Audio

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 01:11.57

Pubblicato 05/10/2021

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781549139895

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Frog and Toad are Doing Their Best [A Parody]

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