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From Horses to Rockets: The Evolution of Transportation

Anam Rasheed
pubblicato da Anam Rasheed

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"From Horses to Rockets: The Evolution of Transportation" takes readers on an exciting journey through the history of how humans have traveled. From ancient carts and carriages to modern airplanes and rockets, this book explores the inventions and ideas that transformed the way we move. Packed with fascinating stories, amazing innovations, and fun facts, it shows how transportation shaped our world. Perfect for kids curious about the past and excited about the future!

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Educativi » Mezzi di trasporto » Cultura generale » Storia e mitologia , Famiglia Scuola e Università » Libri Scuola

Editore Anam Rasheed

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 25/12/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798230685661

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From Horses to Rockets: The Evolution of Transportation

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