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Future Fight Firsts

Alyssa Wong
pubblicato da Marvel Entertainment

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Collects Future Fight Firsts: Crescent and Io (2019) #1, Future Fight Firsts: Luna Snow (2019) #1, Future Fight Firsts: White Fox (2019) #1. The breakout stars of the Marvel Future Fight mobile game feature in action-packed adventures! See how Dan Bi, a young girl from South Korea, first brought an ancient mystical bear spirit into the modern world and how this unlikely duo became the evil-smashing team known as Crescent and Io! K-pop sensation Seol Hee already has the power to melt fans' hearts but as crimefighter Luna Snow, she can also freeze her enemies! Discover how she juggles life as an international pop star with being a costumed hero! And Ami Han is White Fox: a superspy and the last of the kumiho, a mystical race of shape-shifters. But who was she before she became White Fox and what happened to the rest of the kumiho? Also featuring the far-out Future Avengers!

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Generi Fumetti » Supereroi

Editore Marvel Entertainment

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 15/12/2009

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781302520212

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Future Fight Firsts

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