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The Messenger rocked your world, and now she's back. But have her lies finally caught up with her?

Trust doesn't come easy for Kesh Lasota. She survived life as a slave, survived the Dreamweaver's touch, but surviving Marshal Kellee and the mysterious Talen is a whole other game, one she's not sure she's ready for.

When the three are captured by a bloodthirsty fae general sweeping through the last of Halow's human colonies, the only weapons they have left are lies. And so Kesh must pretend to be the gladiator they all expect, while Kellee is forced to fight against her, and Talen is... Well, just who is Talen when he can command soldiers with a glance and move among the fae elite as though he belongs?

Trust doesn't come easy for Kesh Lasota, neither does love. She must survive both, or everything she's fought for will be lost forever, including her men.

The enchanting & mind-blowing Messenger series continues with more action, more romance, and more exciting twists!

Genre: Paranormal science fantasy.

Messenger Chronicles reading order:

Shoot the Messenger, #1

Game of Lies, #2

The Nightshade's Touch, #3

Prince of Dreams, #4

Her Dark Legion, #5 (Coming late 2019)

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Fantasy » Fantasy » Fantascienza » Rosa , Fantasy Horror e Gothic » Fantascienza

Editore Crazy Ace Publishing

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 13/05/2019

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 1230003228067

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Game of Lies

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