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Garden To Save The World

Joe Clark
pubblicato da Pan Macmillan

Prezzo online:
-15 %

Start growing your own fruit, veg and flowers with this feel-good guide to planet-friendly gardening.

Gardening expert and social media sensation Joe Clark of @joesgarden shares his useful and easy-to-follow guide on gardening to bring you joy, save you money and help the planet.

  • Learn how to grow your own food in any space from window sills to containers and raised beds
  • Encourage biodiversity and attract garden-friendly insects and wildlife, including how to build your own DIY hedgehog hotel and rewilding tips
  • Make your own organic pest controls, plant food and rainwater collector so you can nourish your garden while being kind to the planet and your wallet
  • Discover useful food sustainability tips, from extending the shelf life of your produce to avoiding food waste and preserving your food
  • Find ideas on gardening to improve your mental and physical health

With beautiful illustrations and easy-to-understand instructions and growing tips, this is the perfect book for budding or seasoned nature lovers who want to use their green-fingers to make a difference.

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Garden To Save The World

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