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A hydroponic growing system gives you the power to grow plants anywhere. Even if you live in an area where water is scarce, a hydroponic system is the answer you've been looking for. Hydroponic systems are sealed and do not allow evaporation, making water loss virtually nonexistent. Simply suspend your essential nutrients in a water-based solution and circulate them to the plant roots in a contained network of vessels and tubes. This accessible guide provides the solid information you need for hydroponic gardening success.

Learn the art of kitchen gardening as you discover:

  1. What characteristics all kitchen gardens have in common
  2. How to design and install gorgeous kitchen garden beds using metal, wood, or stone
  3. Why raised beds mean reduced maintenance
  4. What crops are best for your kitchen garden
  5. A planting, tending, and harvesting plan developed by a pro
  6. Season-by-season growing guides

No matter how un-green-thumbed you think you are, you can be a successful herb gardener. The secret is to speak the language of the herbs - and you're about to discover it. You'll have everything you need to bring fresh herbs to the table for any occasion... and store them to bring any dish to life, no matter how cold the winter.

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Generi Ambiente e Animali » Giardinaggio e Orticoltura » Giardinaggio, altri titoli » Giardini: descrizione e storia » Frutta e verdura

Editore Larry Spencer

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 09/05/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798894580357

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