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Gearing of Lathes for Screwcutting - Brian Wood
Gearing of Lathes for Screwcutting - Brian Wood

Gearing of Lathes for Screwcutting

Brian Wood
pubblicato da The Crowood Press Ltd

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Aimed specifically at the engineer for use in the workshop, this book is intended to take away as much as possible of the mathematics and mystique from calculating gear ratios. It also includes Myford and other types of lathes; approximations and alternatives; errors and their significance and the non-gearbox mini-lathe.

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Generi Home & Garden » Crafts & Hobbies

Editore The Crowood Press Ltd

Formato Hardback

Pubblicato 06/02/2017

Pagine 160

Lingua Inglese

Isbn o codice id 9781785002502

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Gearing of Lathes for Screwcutting

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