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Genesis 101 - Dianne Bergant
Genesis 101 - Dianne Bergant

Audiolibro Genesis 101

Dianne Bergant
pubblicato da Learn25

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"Discover the Book of Genesis anew in this brilliantly taught Bible study course.

Genesis may be one of your favorite books of the Bible, but many of its stories can seem puzzling or foreign. How are we to reconcile the two seemingly different creation stories? And why would a supposedly benevolent God ask Abraham to sacrifice his son? How is the bible's first book relevant to our lives today?

Under the guidance of Sr. Dianne Bergant, PhD, the former President of the Catholic Biblical Association of America, you will come to understand the Book of Genesis as never before. In 12 superb lectures, you will study the primary literary forms, cultural context, and theological underpinnings of the most beloved biblical stories. As you do so, you will see how its authors, despite living in a very different world, are much like us: people who seek to be faithful to the God who loves them.

You will explore how the stories of Genesis are not historical or scientific accounts, but rather snapshots that reveal greater truths through symbols and metaphors. As you gain amazing insights into the world of ancient Israel, the Book of Genesis will open up to you in marvelous ways. You'll meet engaging people and discover their fascinating lives, but most of all, you will see that they are always seeking the divine. This course is the beginning of an endless spiritual journey.

This course is part of the Learn25 collection and includes a free PDF study guide.

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Generi Religioni e Spiritualità » Bibbia: testi e commenti » Fede, politica e società » Religione, argomenti generali

Editore Learn25

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 04:55.55

Pubblicato 17/08/2015

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781632510563

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Genesis 101

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