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Georgie Giraffe's Great Escape - Kelly Johnson
Georgie Giraffe's Great Escape - Kelly Johnson

Audiolibro Georgie Giraffe's Great Escape

Kelly Johnson
pubblicato da Kelly Johnson

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In the heart of the African savannah, Georgie Giraffe, a curious young giraffe, yearns to explore beyond his familiar home. Inspired by his grandfather's tales of adventure, Georgie sets out on his own journey with the encouragement of his friend Milo the monkey. Along the way, Georgie encounters various animals and learns valuable lessons about the world outside his savannah. As night falls and homesickness tugs at his heart, Georgie meets Tully, a wise tortoise who imparts wisdom about the balance between curiosity and the comfort of home. Guided by Tully, Georgie returns safely to his family, filled with newfound appreciation for the love and togetherness that define his home. Georgie's adventure teaches him that while exploring the world is thrilling, the greatest treasures are the bonds of family and the warmth of home, where his heart truly belongs.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Fantasy » Fantasy

Editore Kelly Johnson

Formato Audiolibro

Durata 00:06.17

Pubblicato 22/07/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9798882287756

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Georgie Giraffe

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