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Global Urban Value Chain in History of Human Civilization - Pengfei Ni - Marco Kamiya - Jing Guo - Haidong Xu
Global Urban Value Chain in History of Human Civilization - Pengfei Ni - Marco Kamiya - Jing Guo - Haidong Xu

Global Urban Value Chain in History of Human Civilization

Pengfei Ni - Marco Kamiya - Jing Guo - Haidong Xu
pubblicato da Springer Nature Singapore

Prezzo online:
-10 %

This study was designed and the book prepared by the National Academy of Economics Strategy of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS) and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme. By applying the indicator system and objective data, it evaluates the competitiveness of 1006 cities around the world in detail, measures the development pattern of global city competitiveness as a whole, and discusses theoretical and practical issues in the development of a global city. The report proposes the key concept of the "global urban value chain" which runs through the history of human civilization. It provides a detailed study of the relationship between urban competition and SDG and analyzes Sustainable Development Goal 11 and typical cases to clarify which cities meet the Sustainable Development Goals. The annual competitiveness report provides a detailed analysis of the economic competitiveness, sustainable competitiveness, and distribution patterns of 9 sub-competitiveness of 1006 cities worldwide.

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Generi Economia Diritto e Lavoro » Economia » Economia urbana

Editore Springer Nature Singapore

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 26/09/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9789819714025

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Global Urban Value Chain in History of Human Civilization

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