Traveling companions are sought and hitchhikers are welcome. Filled with true stories gained from years of traveling common and uncommon paths as God's Road Warrior, author Frank Barrera's insights are humorous and serious, tender and tough. From traveling the "straight and narrow" headed in the right plunging into the inevitable ditches along the way, you will learn how to navigate the road of life by experiencing the world as God intended. "The billboard read: 'Is the road you're on going to get you to My place?' Jesus wants heaven to be the most powerful motivating force in your life on earth-to keep you walking with Him on the path designed especially for you. This world is temporary; we are travelers passing through to a better world-a heavenly one," writes the author. Each enjoyable and thought-provoking story concludes with a personalized Roadside Assistance, revealing aspects of life you may not have thought about recently-or ever-that will bring an exciting new dimension to your everyday choices, relationships, and direction.