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Gold-Dust and Ashes

Ion Idriess
pubblicato da ETT Imprint

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The Romantic Story of the New Guinea Goldfields. His latest book is really the romance of the Edie Creek and Bulolo diggings, situated inland from Salamau; and with the discovery of the field are associated the names of diggers as "Shark Eye Bill" (William Park), Matt Crowe, Jim Preston, Arthur Dowling, Frank and Jim Pryke ... men who in pre-war years, crept across the frontier, defying the Germans and dodging the headhunters ... These men endured terrible hardships, and frequently faced grim tragedy. Mr Idriess writes of it all, and writes of it as if he had been with them. What a romance! What a story! It is packed with adventure, studded with splendid pen-pictures of pioneer prospectors, airmen, and patrol officers, and told with a fascinating simplicity that is borne from something very close to genius. - Brisbane Courier, 1933.

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Generi Storia e Biografie » Storia di altri terrritori , Scienza e Tecnica » Geografia » Scoperte geografiche ed Esplorazioni

Editore Ett Imprint

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/10/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781922384799

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Gold-Dust and Ashes

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