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Goldie Vance: Larceny in La La Land

Hope Larson
pubblicato da BOOM! Box

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CALIFORNIA HERE WE COME! Thanks to a serendipitous conflagration of events, Goldie, Diane, and Cheryl find themselves jetsetting to sunny Los Angeles! While Cheryl pursues space dreams at JPL and Diane continues her work as a remote scout for a music label, Goldie spends her days getting lost in the haze of old Hollywood, first by befriending a silent film star whose golden days are long behind her, and then by taking on a case of stolen film memorabilia. But when it becomes clear that this case is just part of a larger pattern, it's up to Goldie to get to the bottom of this show-biz conspiracy. Acclaimed writer Jackie Ball (Welcome to Wanderland) and Mollie Rose (Steven Universe) present the return of everyone's favorite young detective in an all new mystery with all the glitz, glamor and giant secrets you'd expect from Goldie!

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Editore Boom! Box

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 09/09/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781641447102

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Goldie Vance: Larceny in La La Land

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