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Gone for Good is a brilliant, suspense-filled mystery from David Bell.

No secret is ever truly gone for good . . .

Elizabeth Hampton has not spoken to her family in weeks when she gets the phone call. Her mother has been found dead under suspicious circumstances.

But who would want to kill a kind old woman who stayed at home to care for her son Ronnie's special needs? And just why did her mother recently change her Will?

The police tell Elizabeth that this is not only a murder investigation - but that her brother Ronnie is the prime suspect.

Desperate to prove her brother's innocence, Elizabeth begins to unravel family secrets and dark double lives - leading to the dangerous truth behind her own identity...

Praise for David Bell:

'David Bell writes spellbinding and gripping thrillers that get under your skin and refuse to let go.' Linwood Barclay

'A powerful, provocative novel' Publishers Weekly

'Haunting ... An absolutely riveting, absorbing read not to be missed' Lisa Unger

David Bell is an assistant professor of English at Western Kentucky University. He received an M.A. in creative writing from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, and a Ph.D. in American Literature and creative writing from the University of Cincinnati. His first two novels, Cemetery Girl and The Hiding Place, are both published by Penguin.

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Generi Gialli Noir e Avventura » Gialli, mistery e noir » Thriller e suspence , Romanzi e letteratura » Gialli e thriller

Editore Penguin Books Ltd

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 14/08/2014

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781405910613

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Gone for Good

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