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Governing by chaos

Max Milo Editions
pubblicato da Max Milo Editions

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How to become the masters of the world? By centralising order and power around a minority and by sowing disorder among the people, reduced to the level of panicked puppets. The method? Social engineering: infiltration of minds, analysis of our every move, remote control of behaviour, marketing of intimacy and other pleasures that make us good consumers. This text extends the insurrectionary essay signed by the Invisible Committee and attributed to the defendants in the Tarnac affair. First published on the web and having aroused "unbridled enthusiasm or hysterical annoyance" (Le Nouvel Observateur), it has been revised and expanded by the author for this new edition. Voluntarily anonymous, he advocates constructive resistance: "To create is to resist. To resist is to create.

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Generi Politica e Società » Sociologia e Antropologia » Antropologia: Opere generali » Sociologia: Opere generali

Editore Max Milo Editions

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 02/10/2014

Lingua Francese

EAN-13 9782315010844

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Governing by chaos

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