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Graphs & Digraphs

Gary Chartrand - Heather Jordon - Vincent Vatter - Ping Zhang
pubblicato da CRC Press

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Graphs & Digraphs, Seventh Edition masterfully employs student-friendly exposition, clear proofs, abundant examples, and numerous exercises to provide an essential understanding of the concepts, theorems, history, and applications of graph theory. This classic text, widely popular among students and instructors alike for decades, is thoroughly streamlined in this new, seventh edition, to present a text consistent with contemporary expectations.

Changes and updates to this edition include:

  • A rewrite of four chapters from the ground up
  • Streamlining by over a third for efficient, comprehensive coverage of graph theory
  • Flexible structure with foundational Chapters 16 and customizable topics in Chapters 711
  • Incorporation of the latest developments in fundamental graph theory
  • Statements of recent groundbreaking discoveries, even if proofs are beyond scope
  • Completely reorganized chapters on traversability, connectivity, coloring, and extremal graph theory to reflect recent developments

The text remains the consummate choice for an advanced undergraduate level or introductory graduate-level course exploring the subject's fascinating history, while covering a host of interesting problems and diverse applications. Our major objective is to introduce and treat graph theory as the beautiful area of mathematics we have always found it to be. We have striven to produce a reader-friendly, carefully written book that emphasizes the mathematical theory of graphs, in all their forms. While a certain amount of mathematical maturity, including a solid understanding of proof, is required to appreciate the material, with a small number of exceptions this is the only pre-requisite.

In addition, owing to the exhilarating pace of progress in the field, there have been countless developments in fundamental graph theory ever since the previous edition, and many of these discoveries have been incorporated into the book. Of course, some of the proofs of these results are beyond the scope of the book, in which cases we have only included their statements. In other cases, however, these new results have led us to completely reorganize our presentation. Two examples are the chapters on coloring and extremal graph theory.

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Generi Scienza e Tecnica » Matematica » Argomenti d'interesse generale » Matematica per gli scienziati » Ingegneria e Tecnologia » Tecnologia, Altri titoli , Informatica e Web » Linguaggi e Applicazioni » Sistemi operativi

Editore Crc Press

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 23/01/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781003802488

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