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Great Australian Droving Stories

Bill Marsh
pubblicato da ABC Books

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the world of the Australian drover is almost forgotten. In this book we hear of the men (and women) who travelled vast distances along Australia's stock routes. Bill 'Swampy' Marsh travelled around Australia gathering their stories.Before utes, planes and helicopters, mustering and droving were done by a group of men who, on horseback, would move thousands of head of cattle and sheep vast distances in the search for better grazing.It was an isolated and often difficult life, but one frequently filled with adventure and great humour.Bill 'Swampy' Marsh has travelled throughout Australia to make sure the voices and stories of these wry, tough men are not lost forever.In this collection of 60 adventures you will find out about the extraordinary lives on the road of the great Australian drover.

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Great Australian Droving Stories

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