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Greek Cities in Italy and Sicily

David Randall-Maciver
pubblicato da Muriwai Books

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First published in 1931, this book by archaeologist David Randall-MacIver provides a detailed description of Greek architectural sites in southern Italy and Sicily, together with narratives on the cities where the sites are found, including their mythologies and most famous citizens, visitors and political figures.

"MY IDEA in writing this book has been to supply a need which others must have felt besides myself. The scholarly visitor to Lower Italy and Sicily has up till now been obliged to take his choice between travelling with a large, though always inadequate, library and travelling with nothing more than a Baedeker. There existed no single volume in which he could find all those details of topography and local archaeology which are the first interest of any man who retains a love for classical literature and a feeling for the romance of Greek history."Preface

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Generi Religioni e Spiritualità » Mitologia e religioni antiche , Storia e Biografie » Archeologia » Periodi storici » Storia antica

Editore Muriwai Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 28/06/2017

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781787204799

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Greek Cities in Italy and Sicily

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