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Grimm Tales Made Gay

Guy Wetmore Carryl
pubblicato da Good Press

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In "Grimm Tales Made Gay," Guy Wetmore Carryl presents a subversive reinterpretation of classic fairy tales, infusing them with humor and a vivid, playful style. The collection reimagines well-known narratives from the Brothers Grimm, such as "Little Red Riding Hood" and "Hansel and Gretel," through a lens of whimsy and light-heartedness. Carryl'Äôs witty verse and clever parodies evoke an atmosphere of celebration while simultaneously critiquing societal norms of his time, establishing a unique literary context in the world of early 20th-century American literature, where such playful explorations of familiar stories were both innovative and refreshing. Guy Wetmore Carryl (1873-1904) was an American humorist and poet known for his keen intellect and sharp wit. His background in the literary circles of New York, combined with his educational experiences at Harvard, undoubtedly shaped his penchant for playful satire and imaginative storytelling. Carryl's own exposure to themes of identity and societal expectations during a period of shifting cultural values likely inspired him to explore gay themes within traditional tales, making his work both an homage and a revolution. I highly recommend "Grimm Tales Made Gay" to readers seeking a delightful and humorous twist on classic narratives. Carryl'Äôs vibrant language and sardonic commentary not only entertain but also invite reflection on the timelessness of love and acceptance. This collection offers an engaging experience for both fans of fairy tales and those interested in an early exploration of queer literature.

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Generi Hobby e Tempo libero » Umorismo » Parodie

Editore Good Press

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 16/03/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 4064066105952

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Grimm Tales Made Gay

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