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Grow Hot Peppers in Your Home. In the Garden, in Pots or On the Balcony.

William Drake
pubblicato da Bruno Del Medico Editore

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Highly illustrated. There are thousands of varieties of hot pepper. It is a popular spice that is widespread all over the world. Many people love hot peppers. Some people acquire vast knowledge and begin to collect the best of varieties.

Those who love good food feel great satisfaction when they show guests the collection of home-grown hot peppers. This way, guests can choose their favorite spiciness. In the summer and autumn months, the colored berries can be picked directly from the plant to be served immediately on the table with all the colors and scents.

There are many varieties of peppers that are candidates for "the hottest pepper in the world". For a long time at the top of the list was the spicy Habanero pepper. Today, at the top of the Guinness Book of Records, you will find the Trinidad Scorpion Moruga pepper, or the Carolina Reaper. This book will give you, in a simple and complete way, all the information for growing hot peppers. A few flower pots on a small terrace are enough for good results. Also, this book will reveal the technique for obtaining chilli trees.

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Generi Ambiente e Animali » Giardinaggio e Orticoltura » Giardinaggio, altri titoli » Giardini: descrizione e storia » Piante » Tecniche di giardinaggio

Editore Bruno Del Medico Editore

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 03/09/2020

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 1230004170709

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Grow Hot Peppers in Your Home. In the Garden, in Pots or On the Balcony.

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