Many people who would like to dedicate themselves to this hobby ask themselves:
- Will I have the chance to organize a large greenhouse?
- Will I have enough time to look after such fragile plants?
- Will I be able to support the necessary financial commitment?
These questions are wrong.
he main question you need to ask yourself, to see if you will be a good grower, is another: what feeling do I have with orchids?
The orchid is a unique flower in its eccentric perfection, it does not know the banality. It does not grow in an impersonal environment, it is elegant in all its aspects, aristocratic in its needs. It blooms only if it finds the right conditions around it.
In the East the perfection of the orchid is a symbol of purity. In the West the orchid is related to love and sensuality, therefore it becomes the symbol of passionate love. In its almost black-flowered varieties the orchid is also associated with the dark mystery and witchcraft.
People who are attracted to orchids are sensual and innocent, simple and sophisticated. They love luxury. The roots of the orchid can feed on air by filtering nourishment from nothing, they are intricate but light. Who loves the orchid is very selective in his choices, he accepts to let only a small circle of people enter his life.
Therefore, if you wish to dedicate yourself to the cultivation of orchids you should not ask yourself how much it costs. The right questions are these:
- Do I have an independent temperament?
- Do I have my own class and my original elegance?
- Am I capable of innocence and passion, dedication and betrayal?
- I only ask for the best from my life and the people I surround myself with?
If all the answers are "yes", you are the ideal candidate for growing orchids. You don't need much else.
In fact it is possible to grow orchids even in a small vase held on the windowsill, as you would do with basil. Some varieties may require temperature and humidity which is not difficult to recreate in an ordinary apartment or on a balcony. Other varieties can grow outdoors, in the garden.
If you really want to dedicate yourself to the cultivation of orchids you will surely find the right compromise between the needs of the plants and those of your spaces and your wallet.
This book will provide you with all the information you need to start the journey that will turn you into an expert grower, ready to participate in all "flowers contest"