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Handbook For Youth: Thriving Through Chaos

Debbie JM Ladouceur
pubblicato da CanamBooks

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This book is a treatise on how to live an extraordinary life, filled with vitality - not just for youth, but for anyone who desires youthfulness, energy and enthusiasm, along with strength and resilience to weather the changing times.

Handbook for Youth tackles tough and controversial topics such as how not to get cancer, how to recover from addictions, improve health and fitness, resolve depression, the beauty and challenge of relationships, and debate and understand the influence of religion and politics on a personal and global level. It deconstructs how corporate greed and power have influenced humanity and how important it is for youth to make choices in their lives based on fact not fiction over 29 unique chapters.

Considering Youth make up more than 50% of the worlds' population, they have an opportunity today in spite of the present baseline to become great leaders. Through social media and technology, compassion and care young people today can be great leaders for today and tomorrow.

In every chapter you will find ideas on how to protect yourself, and enhance your life and the lives of those closest to you. And, in turn, this will help your community to be a better place and collectively, all communities can rebuild a state of respect for the land, each other, and work together for the good of all.

What you will gain from reading this book, is information that will assist you in making choices to better your life and your community. In this world of media saturation, the truth about creativity in thought and action, responsible stewardship and your ability to be healthy and happy, are buried beneath trivia and distraction.

In spite of an overpopulated planet and the unstable social and political state around the globe it is critical to remember the best work you can do for the world is to take care of yourself. You can control the safety and health of your own future wherever you find yourself. Opportunities for yourself and those around you improve greatly when you take positive action in your own personal life. Evolution, adaptability and success are well served when each generation is wiser, more liberated and more courageous than the previous generation.

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Generi Salute Benessere Self Help » Self Help

Editore Canambooks

Formato Ebook (senza DRM)

Pubblicato 04/10/2019

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781775338512

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Handbook For Youth: Thriving Through Chaos

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