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Powerful strategies to combat the design flaws of the human brain that make life in the twenty-first century unreasonably difficult.

If other animals could study us the way we study them, they would be puzzled by our unique ability to inflict misery on ourselves. We expend a lot of energy replaying past anguish, anticipating future distress, and stewing in self-righteous anger. Other animals would call us out for being oddly paradoxical creatures who long to be happy but who are the source of their own suffering, We worry about things we have no control over. We complain about not being understood while casting a critical eye on others. We stubbornly defend our beliefs despite contradictory evidence. Complicating all of this is our struggle to adapt to a complex world that we created. who struggle to adapt to a confusing world that we ourselves created.

In our defence, we haven't yet mastered our neuron-packed brains, whose incredible complexity evolved over millennia in a very different world than today's. The result of this evolutionary journey? Five design features that often morph into design flaws in need of fixing.

Hard to Be Human corrals the best insights from psychology, neuroscience, physics, and philosophy to reveal powerful strategies for the five big battles we each face in the war with our misguided, misbehaving selves. Tapping into deeply personal stories to ground the concepts in real life, Cadsby reveals how we can overcome our design flaws to be smarter, happier, and better adapted to the complexities of life in the twenty-first century.

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Generi Psicologia e Filosofia » Psicologia , Economia Diritto e Lavoro » Management » Tecniche di management

Editore Dundurn Press

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 12/10/2021

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781459748866

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Hard to Be Human

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