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Have You Seen the Lamb?

Robert F. Wolff
pubblicato da Drawbaugh Publishing Group

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Robert Wolff challenges the reader to examine the similarities between the two most electrifying events in history: the deliverance of Israel from bondage in Egypt and the execution of Yeshua, who claimed to be the Messiah. You'll meet the great Joshua as a young man, called to assist Moses during the plagues of Egypt, confrontations with Pharaoh, the Exodus and spectacular Red Sea Crossing. You'll be there when the young Judean, John Mark, meets the controversial rabbi, Yeshua, and witnesses the Last Supper, Passover, and execution of his hero. And your eyes will be opened in the book's sensational conclusion when he witnesses a vision beyond compare! "Robert Wolff writes like a Hebrew poet, depicting a beauty that will charm you and renew your spirit." - Dr. Jack Hayford, King's University, Los Angeles "A joy to read...making us eyewitnesses to history."- Coach Bill McCartney, Promise Keepers, Denver "Two great stories of redemption...profound..."- Dr. Mitch Glaser, Chosen People Ministries, New York "It will open one to the concrete nature of Yeshua" - Dr. Daniel Juster, Tikkun International, Haifa Israel "This book has been kissed by God" Merle Fraser, Columbus, MS

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Generi Religioni e Spiritualità » Bibbia: testi e commenti » Altre religioni e fedi » Altre religioni non cristiane

Editore Drawbaugh Publishing Group

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 06/02/2015

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781941746141

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Have You Seen the Lamb?

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