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I Have a Bad Feeling About This

Jeff Strand
pubblicato da Sourcebooks

Prezzo online:
-13 %

The perfect blend of horror and humor, I Have a Bad Feeling About This is a laugh-out-loud wilderness comedy about an ultimate survival camp that takes a deadly turn...

Wilderness Survival Tip #1

Drinking your own sweat will not save your life. Somebody might have told you that, but they were trying to find out if you'd really do it.

Wilderness Survival Tip #2

In case of an avalanche, don't despair. You're doomed, but that's a wicked cool death.

Wilderness Survival Tip #3

If you're relying on this book for actual survival tips, you're dead already.

Henry Lambert would rather play video games than spend time in the great outdoorsbut that doesn't make him a wuss. Skinny nerd? Fine. But wuss is a little harsh. Sadly, his dad doesn't agree. Which is why Henry is being shipped off to Strongwoods Survival Camp.

Strongwoods isn't exactly as advertised. It looks like the victim of a zombie apocalypse, the "camp director" is a psycho drill sergeant, and Henry's sure he saw a sign written in blood...

Perfect for those looking for:

  • Survival books for adults as well as young adults
  • Hilarious comedy books for boys
  • Teen books for boys ages 13-16

Also by Jeff Strand:

A Bad Day for Voo Doo

The Greatest Zombie Movie Ever

How You Ruined My Life

Stranger Things Have Happened

Dettagli down

Generi Non definito

Editore Sourcebooks

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/03/2014

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781402284564

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I Have a Bad Feeling About This

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