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A Children's Book Council Hot of the Press Selection

All around the world, animals that were once thriving are now endangered, from the black-footed ferret to the kakapo. Eventually, these amazing animals could be lost. With this fully illustrated guidebook + sound pad, kids can learn about the calls, snorts, squeaks, and roars of 14 endangered animals, discover the characteristics that make them special, and see how we are helping bring them back from the edge of extinction. Hear Them Roar: 14 Endangered Animals from Around the World will make sure these animals are around for many generations to come!

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Generi Bambini e Ragazzi » Scienza e Natura » Natura » Temi personali e sociali » Ambiente e problemi ambientali

Editore Familius

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 08/02/2023

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781641709163

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Hear Them Roar

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