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Heaven; Where it is, Its Inhabitants, and How to Get There

D. L. Moody
pubblicato da CrossReach Publications

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This little book, upon a subject that is very dear to me, has been carefully revised, and is sent forth in the hope that it may give comfort and edification to many; that the weak may be strengthened, the sorrowing consoled, and the despondent encouraged to look with increased faith to that fairest of fair cities in the "Better Land," which is the home of the Redeemer and the redeemed.

Many books have been published in this country in my name, but none of them with authority, and the only motive inspiring this small volume is that souls may be helped.

Northfield, Mass., 1880.


The unprecedented sale of "Heaven," which has in the four years since its first publication reached almost ninety thousand copies, has caused the plates to become very much worn, and we have taken this occasion in making entirely new electrotype plates, to carefully revise the book and materially improve its mechanical execution. That it may in its improved form go forth to an enlarged mission of usefulness is the hope of

Chicago, January 1, 1885.

CrossReach Publications

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Editore Crossreach Publications

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 16/04/2019

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 6610000167142

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Heaven; Where it is, Its Inhabitants, and How to Get There

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