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Remarkable stories of survival and courage on the high seas
'Amazing true stories...' Kay Cottee AO, First woman to sail solo and non-stop around the world HELL ON HIGH SEAS chronicles some of the most remarkable stories of survival and daring the world's oceans have ever hosted. Amazing feats of courage: some verging on madness, others where death is eluded through sheer bravery, determination and innovation - or even divine intervention? Maurice and Maralyn Bailey spent 117 days adrift in a rubber dinghy in the Pacific after their yacht was sunk by a whale. Five Mexican fishermen went to sea for a three-day shark-fishing trip and vanished - nine months later three of them reappeared. Ben and Elinore Carlin endured a hurricane-lashed crossing of the Atlantic in their tiny amphibious jeep, Half-Safe, the start of an incredible 10-year, around-the-world odyssey.

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Generi Sport » Nuoto e Sport acquatici » Altri sport , Guide turistiche e Viaggi » Guide Escursionismo » Guide turistiche , Scienza e Tecnica » Geografia » Scoperte geografiche ed Esplorazioni , Gialli Noir e Avventura » Gialli, mistery e noir

Editore Harpercollins

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 01/11/2010

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780730449973

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Hell on High Seas

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