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Herbs in Every Season - Bevin Cohen
Herbs in Every Season - Bevin Cohen

Herbs in Every Season

Bevin Cohen
pubblicato da Timber Press

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An accessible exploration of how herbs can be used for medicinal and culinary purposes year round, from gardening to cookingyou'll learn how to use herbs in a myriad of life-changing ways.

Herbs in Every Season offers gardeners, herbalists, cooks, and homesteaders a new way of looking at herbs throughout the year. Herbalists will learn how an herb's growth habits inform its medicinal capabilities, and gardeners will gain insight on herbs as integral culinary plants for the kitchen garden, pollinator plants for perennial borders, and key ingredients for a home apothecary. With detailed plant profiles, Bevin Cohen encourages a year-round perspective on growing and using herbs in tandem with the seasons. He assures any newcomer that herbs are not only easy to grow, but also forgiving. Readers will take delight in:

·Simple, homegrown recipes and preservation techniques for tonics, teas, meals, and treats
·Herbal remedies and useful DIY applications for common ailments such as sunburns and mosquito bites
·Deep insight on how the life cycle of an herb contributes to its medicinal and culinary properties
·How a seasonal herbal approach can provide a much-needed process of cyclical re-connection to the earth

Start a new seasonal routine today with Herbs in Every Season!

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Generi Ambiente e Animali » Giardinaggio e Orticoltura » Piante , Salute Benessere Self Help » Mente, corpo, spirito , Gastronomia » Ricette » Ricette varie

Editore Timber Press

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 25/03/2025

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781643264257

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Herbs in Every Season

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