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Highgate Rise

Anne Perry
pubblicato da Random House Publishing Group

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-13 %

Clemency Shaw, the wife of a prominent doctor, has died in a tragic fire in the peaceful suburb of Highgate. But the blaze was set by an arsonist, and it is unclear whether she or Dr. Shaw was the intended victimor did the doctor himself set the blaze in order to inherit his wife's large fortune? Baffled by the scarcity of clues in this terrible crime, Inspector Thomas Pitt turns to the people who had been closest to the coupleClemency's stuffy but distinguished relatives. Meanwhile, Pitt's wellborn wife, Charlotte, retraces the dangerous path that Clemency walked in the last months of her life, finding herself enmeshed in a sinister web that stretches from the lowest slums to the loftiest centers of power.

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Generi Romanzi e letteratura » Gialli e thriller » Gialli storici » Storici » Storici

Editore Random House Publishing Group

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 29/09/2010

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9780307767714

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Highgate Rise

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