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History of Australia and New Zealand

George Sutherland - Alexander Sutherland
pubblicato da Good Press

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The anthology "History of Australia and New Zealand" offers a comprehensive exploration into the deep-rooted and entangled histories of two vibrant nations. Uniquely balancing a range of literary styles, from richly detailed narrative history to critical essays, the collection provides an insightful look into the colonial, cultural, and socio-political transformations that have shaped Australia and New Zealand. Standout pieces analyze pivotal events and eras, presenting both a broad overview and intricate details of the countries' pasts without attributing them individually, ensuring a cohesive yet diverse narrative landscape. Contributors George Sutherland and Alexander Sutherland meticulously curated this anthology, bringing together diverse voices that highlight varied perspectives across historical timelines. Their collective expertise underscores a commitment to examining the unique position of Australia and New Zealand within the larger context of world history. Aligning with movements of postcolonial discourse and cultural introspection, this collection is a tapestry of voices that together weave a nuanced understanding of the region'Äôs identity. Recommended to anyone interested in a profound educational journey through history, "History of Australia and New Zealand" is an essential volume. It not only enriches the reader'Äôs grasp of the multifaceted pasts of these nations but also stimulates dialogue on the enduring impact of historical narratives. This anthology is a vehicle for understanding the multiplicity of experiences that define a region, offering a panoramic vista of themes and perspectives in one accessible compendium.

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Generi Storia e Biografie » Storia di altri terrritori , Romanzi e letteratura » Racconti e antologie letterarie

Editore Good Press

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 22/11/2019

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 4057664639998

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History of Australia and New Zealand

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