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Hocus & Pocus: The Legend of Grimm's Woods

pubblicato da Quirk Books

Prezzo online:
-9 %

This middle grade graphic novel series features an interactive pick-a-path storyline, full of puzzles, treasures, fantasy creatures, and gameplay you can enjoy again and again!

Cast spells, solve puzzles, rack up sparkling stars, and train your own magical pet in this graphic novel that you can play just like a role-playing game. Enter a world inspired by favorite fairy tales, complete with gingerbread houses and a girl dressed in red. Readers can play as Hocus (a boy) or Pocus (a girl), choose a magic animal companion, and enter a colorful forest of brain-teasing riddles, magical objects, and unusual characters. Each panel has multiple paths to follow, and a handy tracking sheet helps you keep track of your victories and hard-won possessions, bringing together the classic analog adventure of a tabletop game and the fresh format of a comic book for hours of replayable fun.

Select your character and magical pet and begin your quest.
Numbers are hidden in every panel. Decide where you want to go next, and then flip to the panel with the matching number.
Solve puzzles, collect supplies, and win stars in your quest for success. The more good deeds you do, the more stars you will find.
You can play the book again and again, making different choices every time.

Remember, this is no ordinary comic bookwhat happens next is up to you!

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Editore Quirk Books

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 04/09/2018

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781683690580

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Hocus & Pocus: The Legend of Grimm

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