The Holy Spirit, my partner for all round success, is the title of this book in your hands. We live in a world ruled by spirits. Most are evil spirits
tormenting and destroying destinies. e ordinary person will find it difficult to succeed without the backing of a greater spiritual power. In
Christ Jesus, we receive the Holy Ghost to dwell in us. He is the reason for our success in everything from ministry to personal living. When
He comes into your life He brings all round success. at means total or complete success, nothing missing, nothing broken, nothing lacking.
He will turn every failure into a success. All you need, is to seek His presence all the days your life.
"And all Judah rejoiced at the oath: for they had sworn with all their heart, and sought him with their whole desire; and he was found of them: and the Lord gave them rest round about." (2 Chronicles 15:15) We are told in the above scripture that when Judah decided to seek, desire, pursue and serve God with all their heart, He gave them all round
(total) rest. He gave them peace and victory. Who gave them rest? the Lord.