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Home Land

Laura Pritchett
pubblicato da Bower House

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-17 %

If you care about the West, you must care about the lands of the Westlands that are disappearing rapidly, along with the people and cultures that go along with them.In this collection of 22 essays, the editors have brought together some of the bestand most insightfulwriting on ranching in the West. These writers explore the changing landscape of the West and how, in an age of huge, corporate-owned ranches, the small rancher can survive. This book brings together the best writers in the West todayincluding poets, ranchers, and conservationistsin a one-of-a-kind, unique look at the West.Includes essays by: Aaron Abeyta, Julene Bair, Rick Bass, Bob Budd, Joan Chevalier, James Galvin, Drum Hadley, Linda Hussa, Page Lambert, Wallace McRae, Sharon Salisbury O'Toole, Diane Josephy Peavey, Nathan Sayre, Mark Spragg, Kim Stafford, Paul F. Starrs, Courtney White, Paul Zarzyski

Winner of the Colorado Book Award.

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Generi Ambiente e Animali » Ecologia e Ambiente » Conservazione e gestione territorio

Editore Bower House

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 18/05/2018

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781917895170

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Home Land

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