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Home Shores - EMILY SCOTT
Home Shores - EMILY SCOTT

Home Shores

pubblicato da Hardie Grant London

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Fish and shellfish are the perfect healthy fast supper, a treat we enjoy when eating out, but often something we shy away from when cooking for ourselves. With Home Shores at your side, you need never do so again.

By following Emily Scott's tried-and-tested techniques, and the hints and tips that accompany the recipes throughout, you will soon be cooking perfect pan-fried fish dinners and super seafood suppers with confidence at home, including Lemony Orzo with Tuna, Avocado, Spring Onions and Mint, Hot Smoked Trout and Watercress Tarts, and Sea Bass with Malaysian Dressing.

Coupled with Emily's expert advice on what to look for when choosing and buying fish and shellfish, how best to prepare them, a chapter on using just tinned fish and another on Emily's favourite flavoured butters, sauces and sides, including Citrus Vodka Tomato Sauce, Green Olive Caponata, and Fig and Apple Pickles, plus an equally important section on the art of making a good fish stock, Home Shores is guaranteed to become your go-to kitchen companion whenever you fancy fish for dinner.

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Generi Gastronomia » Ricette » Pesce e frutti di mare » Cucina dal mondo

Editore Hardie Grant London

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 15/05/2025

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781784887841

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Home Shores

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