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Homeschooling Quick Start

Susanne Gibbs
pubblicato da Carus Books

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Millions of parents were disconcerted by what they discovered about their child's education during the pandemic, and millions are considering the homeschooling option. Homeschooling Quick Start is a straightforward, user-friendly guide for the parent who sees an urgent need to start homeschooling their child, and also the parent who is wondering whether they have what it takes to homeschool. Written in a format that allows for a quick overview, and then diving deeper into detailed aspects of homeschooling, this book explains what's necessary for homeschooling and lays out the steps needed to start homeschooling from scratch, with plenty of examples and firsthand experience.

The book is designed so that you can go straight to the topic that interests you most. If you're worried about teaching science, math, or literature, or if you're wondering what you have to do to comply with your state's laws (there are no federal laws regulating homeschooling) you can go straight to the relevant chapter dealing with your chosen topic. There is a vast amount of printed or online material to help homeschoolers, including curricula and lesson plans for teaching all subjects. Much of this material is free. Susanne identifies some of the best of this literature, with her own observations and recommendations.

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Homeschooling Quick Start

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