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You see, roughly defined, homesteading is a lifestyle that requires self-sufficiency. It is all about using your common sense and sound judgment to become more independent and self-reliant. It involves agriculture for self-sustenance, production and preservation of foods at home, and small scale manufacturing of fabrics for clothing and craftwork for personal or commercial use.

Be more productive and sufficient with the help of this book homesteading: your complete in-depth guide to homesteading. Learn it's benefits and advantages!

You'll discover in this book:

  1. The powerful techniques to do homesteading.
  2. The 11 essential homesteading skills.
  3. Why expanding your homestead too soon is hurting your progress - and what you need to do instead.
  4. How to get the perfect piece of land without breaking the bank.
  5. The lies that gmo companies tell you about your food.
  6. How to save money with just one simple change in your routine.

To bring your dream of being an urban homesteader to reality, you need to start today! The good news is that you can start practicing urban homesteading within the city. Yes, you may not have enough garden space to grow corn and wheat. However, you can still harvest an incredible amount of many crops using a collection of containers and setting them on your yard, balcony, or local community.

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