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Hope for Everyone - David Bell - Dave Griffiths
Hope for Everyone - David Bell - Dave Griffiths

Hope for Everyone

David Bell - Dave Griffiths
pubblicato da Grosvenor House Publishing

Prezzo online:

Have you ever imagined what the afterlife might be like? It is something that people throughout history have often pondered. Where, why and how might we live again? Who would we be with? What would we do? What about God, Heaven and Hell? The prospect of the afterlife raises so many questions. Hope for Everyone is a story that seeks to address these questions. It follows the afterlives of four main characters and explores a process of reconciliation that is both plausible and in line with the logic of love that has been given to humanity through the ages. How can a soldier who dies in battle be reconciled with those on the other side? How can a gangster live in harmony with the woman he has killed? How can a former slave girl walk side by side with her abuser? How can a proud religious housewife learn to let go of her prejudices? By imagining a possible future that leads to abundant life for all, this book aims to bring hope to everyone. Some readers have compared it to the Shack. Though this world can seem bleak, this tale offers a challenging and thrilling possibility that eventually everyone will love everyone.

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Generi Religioni e Spiritualità » Narrativa d'ispirazione religiosa

Editore Grosvenor House Publishing

Formato Ebook con Adobe DRM

Pubblicato 03/10/2024

Lingua Inglese

EAN-13 9781803819730

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Hope for Everyone

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